">http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_cGZ3srswMeg/TP4ciNW5PTI/AAAAAAAAABQ/VE3Kp_qrxHA/s1600/698dove-2.JPG" border="0"/> wishing you a very beautiful day keep smiling
Unconditional Love A treasure to be cherished, A gift from God above; Is the beauty of every friendship, A love that asks no questions, Believes in all the best; Never doubting, ever trusting, Withstanding any test. A love that weathers any storm, And yet that love still stands; Through the very darkest hour, It still reaches out a hand. There in that hand the sweetest gift, That we can give.. A heart that cares, a love that shares, That will be there till the end. A treasure to be cherished...
" " "
" This may take time to have and be really given.. Yet never stop trying...
WAke up stop sleeping... gud morning fri...!!">http://www.desicomments.com/dc/23/55434/554341.jpg" border="0"/> want a cup of coffee ?? if u want make urseft ">http://www.desicomments.com/dc1/02/76004/760041.jpg" border="0"/> enjoy ur summer.....!
What is it that we all believe in that we cannot see or hear or feel or taste or smell - This invisible thing that heals all sorrows, reveals all lies and renews all hope? What is it that has always been and always will be, from whose bosom we all came and to which we will all return? Most call it Time. A few realize that it is God.