About Me
SOmETHin In thIs liFe iS uNeXPlAiNaBle. . . .thAtS ME. . . . . .hapPy iN uNHaPpy tiMez THaTS ME . . . .reaDy tO HElP BuT . . .helPleSs in mA OwN WAys. . . .thAts me. . .so m sTiLl sTAndiN In rAIn and thUnder of sUcKIN LIfe. . . .cAndle iN RaIn thAtS ME. . . .are yA GONa ma waY. . . But i aM NOt in thE HELl LOve. . .pUsH THe reD BuTtON and FUCK oFF anD CRusH thE HEArt . . . .nOw i wRAp MA WORdS ABouT ME